Vision Boards: A Starting Place for DIYs

They say if you believe it you can achieve it.  Vision boards are one of the ways to turn your thoughts into reality.  If you have never watched "The Secret", watch it.  It is pretty amazing.  You just have to get past the creepy music and National Treasure type dramatics at the beginning and  then it gets good.  Jack Canfield, author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series, is one of the speakers from that video and talks about how he made his millions by controlling his thoughts.  It all starts with the power of positive thinking and using the Law of Attraction.  I won't say too much more because it is all in the video.  But believe me, it works!

For 2019 I had a vision board.  On it I had written down that I would complete a 5k, get a new tent, get a pair of $200 dollar running shoes, become a runner and so many other things.  Amazingly, many of these things came to fruition.  How?  Because I kept them on my vision board and when you have your eye on the prize you are much more likely to obtain the goal.

In October of 2019 the church I belong to, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, rolled out a new program for children and youth.  This program would help children and youth develop in four main areas: Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical and Social.  I thought this was great!  In fact, I had my kids to make vision boards just prior to this new announcement so the church coming out with something right along with their vision boards was definitely inspired.  I liked the church's program so much and was so excited about it that I started an new vision board that focused on those same 4 areas.  The picture above is my vision board from October 2019.

Just a few months later would be the beginning of a new decade and the year I would turn 40!  I definitely had more goals I wanted to achieve so I made another vision board as a 2020 addition to what I already had.  

My main goal for this year was to--IS to buy a house.  So I've got a big beautiful spacious house on there.  I want a lot of space, space enough to start a farm on our property.  Don't worry, David is all for it too.  My dream kitchen will be a part of it with a built in drawer especially for my spices.  I will have a music room with a grand piano, and a light and airy bedroom.  In the garden we will have veggies, herbs, and other garden like things.  I am going to add loofas to that because, did you know you GROW loofas?  Yes, the ones you use to scrub your body down in the shower.  Also, we will have--well, I'll spare you the details because it is all there and you can see for yourself.

Now, on to the basics of vision boarding...

Why is a vision board the "thing" nowadays?  Because it is in your face all the time (if you put it in the right spot).  It reminds you over and over again of things that are important to you.  It keeps you focused on your destination.  It inspires you to keep going and not give up.  I think I had 3 vision board parties at my house during the month of January and went to one at a friend's house.  I am not normally one to follow the crowd on things.  Honestly, I have been doing this and I think it just became a "crowd thing" more recently.

What types of things should you put on your vision board?
Inspiring quotes, significant phrases, pictures, positive affirmations, places, people, things, dates, anything that helps you visualize your dreams, goals and aspirations.  I did this with my ninth graders this year and was so pleased to see that many of them wanted to make it as neat as possible because it was more than a grade to them.  They wanted to hang it up in their rooms!  YES, DO IT!

What are positive affirmations?
Only one of the most powerful things in this world!  They are positive words and phrases that you constantly tell yourself over and over again, that you replay in your mind, in your ears, in your car until they become a part of your natural thinking.  Many of the most successful people in the world have used positive affirmations to achieve their success.  Ask Oprah.

What things should you NOT put on your vision board?
Nothing negative.  I know that seems like a "No, DUH!" type of thing but you may not be aware of what types of things actually negatively impact your thinking.  For example, I knew someone that was working on becoming a therapist.  GREAT!  But the phrases and images she put on her board to portray that goal were things she found in US Weekly magazine like "Break Up",  "Cheating", "Lying" and other such words.  Now imagine you waking up in the morning and seeing those types of words in your face.  What type of day do you think you'll have?  Instead, you could find words and images that say "Communicate", "Forgiveness", "Quality Time".  Do you see what I mean?  If you want to lose weight, don't put a picture of a hamburger or an obese pig on your board.  These should be positive affirmations that inspire you, not make you feel like you ARE a pig or that you WANT a hamburger.  Think UPLIFTING.  No words with negative connotations.  My brother reminded me of that this week.  Example: Cheap vs Frugal, which sounds more negative?  So you are not going to be a cheapskate you are going to be a frugalskate.  Just kidding, you know what I mean.

Where should I start?
On the internet, in a magazine, newspaper, mail ads, anywhere!  Pictures, words, phrases, mottos, scriptures, anything that helps you VISUALIZE your BEST LIFE.  Here are a few topics on which you might like to focus:  Family, Faith, Business, Relationships, Financial, Travel, Education, Physical, Social, Intellectual, Spiritual, Home, Communication, Skills, Work, Art, the internet.  There are a plethora of ways, styles, and examples of how to begin creating your vision board.

When should I start, how long should I plan for my goals?
Start today.  Start this minute.  Start now.  Write down a list of things you'd like to obtain or goals you'd like to accomplish.  Don't focus too much on the "When will I achieve it" part.  Focus more on the "What I want to have and achieve" part.  If you put the good vibes, thoughts, and desires out into the universe, the universe has a way of delivering it to you.  Trust me.  Again, watch "The Secret".

Once you get your vision down of things you want to accomplish, your DIYs will not only become more apparent, you will have the tools and other resources to complete those DIYs until your vision board ideas become a reality.  Be good to yourself and set yourself up for success today.

  1. Watch "The Secret".  Last time I saw it, I watched it on Netflix so check there first.
  2. Check out Jack Canfield's Vision Board YouTube 
  3. Make a list of what you want to have or achieve
  4. Start cutting, pasting, typing or printing your goals and positive affirmations.  If you don't have a "board" just use a wall space you will see frequently everyday.
  5. Start NOW!  


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